Follow these steps to activate GEGO GPS
Charge Up: Ensure your GEGO GPS is fully charged. The device typically takes 6-8 hours to charge.
IMPORTANT: Use the supplied USB-C cable.
Disconnect from charger. Power LED will go out.
GEGO GPS is now ON.
Download the GEGO App from the Apple Store or Google Play and follow the instructions.
Create an account to add your GEGO GPS.
Select your Subscription Plan from the App.
Reboot the unit: Strongly hold down the small power button on the top of the unit until you see the LED
PWR lights OFF, then release.
To turn back ON, repeat the process until you see the RED light blinking and it vibrates, then release.
The connection process will begin. This might take up to 15 minutes.
Test your GEGO GPS: Take it outside to “see” the sky.
The activation could take a couple of hours, but it usually takes a few minutes.
Once your GEGO is connected, Log in to your account and check the location on the App.
Please Note: the GEGO GPS cannot be plugged into the charger while performing this step.
If you were not able to activate your GEGO GPS:
◦ Stay outside for 5 to 10 minutes.
◦ Reboot the unit
S.O.S Button: Press the S.O.S. button a few seconds until it vibrates to receive an App notification with the current location of the tracker.
If you still have problems connecting your GEGO GPS, please contact our support team: