Battery Considerations
- Can I use GEGO for flights? What about the Smart Luggage Ban from Airlines?
- Battery lifespan
- Can I charge my GEGO using any USB port. For example my laptop?
- How do I know my GEGO is being charged?
- How long do I need to charge my GEGO for the first time?
- How long does the Battery last?
- How much the GEGO battery lasts if I am on a road trip or vacation?
- How much the GEGO battery lasts if I don't use it quite a lot?
- Is GEGO compliant with the new FAA regulations about lithium batteries?
- My GEGO is charging but is still not showing as active?
- What type of battery is used by the GEGO?
- When in Europe can I connect to recharge with 220 voltage or do I need a converter?