Share Device Feature
The Share Device feature in the GEGO app allows you to share your GEGO tracker with family members or friends. This feature enables others to track and monitor your device alongside you, enhancing collaborative tracking and keeping loved ones informed of your whereabouts.
- This feature is available only for GPS devices with an active plan.
- The Share Device option can be accessed from the hamburger menu under the "Shared Devices" section.
How to Use the Share Device Feature
Accessing the Feature
- Open the GEGO app and navigate to the hamburger menu.
- Select the "Shared Devices" option.
Sending an Invitation
- Press the “Send share invitation” button to access the invitation screen.
- Enter the email address of the person you want to invite.
- The button to send the invitation will be enabled once a valid email format is entered.
- Optionally, you can add or edit a follower's nickname to replace the email display in the shared devices view.
- Choose the permissions for the follower:
- Notifications: Allows access to view the notification history and receive future push notifications from the device.
- Location History: Allows access to the complete location history of the device.
- After configuring permissions, send the invitation. The invited user will receive an email with the invitation.
Invitation Process
- The invited user must accept the invitation via the email they receive.
- Upon accepting, they will be redirected to the user portal. They need to be logged in to continue with the invitation.
- Once accepted, the shared device will appear in their app account.
Permissions and Access
- The shared device will not appear in the "Shared Devices" list of the invited user (they cannot share it further).
- In the notifications screen, the shared device will only appear if notification permissions are granted.
- On the device screen, only the permitted options will be available; others will be grayed out.
- The invited user will not have the option to edit the shared device.
Managing Followers
- You can remove a follower by clicking the cross icon next to their nickname/email.
- Removed followers can be re-invited at any time.
- Devices with pending invitations will show a yellow icon. Clicking the icon displays a notice.
Unfollowing a Device
- Invited users have the option to stop following the shared device at any time. They can be re-invited if needed.
Feature Restrictions
- The Share Location and Service Plan options are hidden for invited users.
- The shared device cannot be shared further by the invited users.
By using the Share Device feature, you enhance the versatility and convenience of your GEGO tracker, ensuring you and your loved ones stay connected and informed.